Certified Passivhaus Designer
As a company we believe strongly in the principles of passive design and ensuring the buildings we create are as sustainable as possible. We are experienced in low energy and sustainable design and have applied this previously to a range of projects from super insulated SIPs built new homes to straw bale constructions.
Straw House, Tibshelf - a working weekend building the first floor straw bale walls
We believe the principles of low carbon and low energy design are essential in the current climate crisis, to ensure the longevity of our designs and make sure our clients have homes, offices and spaces that are well designed, comfortable and as efficient as possible to run.
To develop this knowledge, Rachel has recently completed a Passivhaus Designer Training course with WARM : Low Energy Building Practice, and we are pleased to announce she has passed the final exam and is now a Certified Passivhaus Designer. Rachel is based in Solihull and is already putting her knowledge into practice, designing Passivhaus projects in Sheffield and Solihull with a new build, timber framed home - see details here.